Dear Friends of 3 Hole,
Thank you for your incredible generosity back in 2019. With your help and that of our artists, we raised OVER $13,000 for our 2020 operations!! This means Emmy Bright’s MORE STUPIDS will be printed this spring and Danny Licht’s COOKING AS THOUGH YOU MIGHT COOK AGAIN will be coming to life (and the dinner table!) this fall! We are also very pleased to support Michelle Memran and Katie Pearl as they translate conversations with legendary playwright Maria Irene Fornes into book form. Once more, thank you!
One benefit of being a small-scale operation is that we can change our mission statement whenever it is time. Here is our latest: 3 Hole Press publishes titles and offers programs that expand our understanding of being together. We are pleased to invite you to participate in a new reading group.
READING ALOUD: A Group for Reading Original Texts
What are words if they aren't read? Does a play exist if not out loud? Does speaking text give said text power? What is love, baby don't hurt me?
If you have words—plays, scripts, monologues, dialogues, prose, or poetry—that beg, plead, for voice, that must be heard or read, or if you would like to read someone else's words, Reading Aloud is for you. Once a month we'll read from two submissions, submitted by you, in the round, family style. Roles will be assigned at the meeting. No experience necessary. No homework required (these will be total cold readings without preparation). This is not a workshop, we're only here to hear. Afterword, we'll hang out casually and drink wine and seltzer.
Reading Aloud will be capped at ten people, so hurry, don't delay! Reading Aloud will take place at Wendy's Subway (379 Bushwick Avenue, Brooklyn), and our first meeting will be on Tuesday, February 11th at 7pm. If you're interested in submitting, email If you're interesting in reading and attending, please email

3 Hole Press + Wendy’s Subway VOTER REGISTRATION
2020 is a big year, and not just for 3 Hole!! We have spent many hours asking ourselves the Big Questions about why do we do what we do and such. In an effort to continue to be together in ways that are both meaningful and timely, we have started a new voter registration initiative with our friends (and office home) at Wendy’s Subway in Bushwick. Stop by Wendy’s (379 Bushwick Ave) during opening hours and we’ll be here to help to make sure you’re registered to vote at your current address, inform you of your polling location and upcoming elections, and to otherwise chat about the wiles of the world and how we might make a difference as a community of people who love what is alive. Have a question? Want to help out? Drop us a line!
Wishing you a peaceful winter,
3 Hole